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Sogefi Group


Sogefi Group

Sogefi, società del Gruppo CIR fondata nel 1980 e quotata sul mercato STAR della Borsa di Milano, è uno dei leader mondiali nella componentistica auto con prodotti innovativi in tre aree di attività: filtrazione, sospensioni, aria e raffreddamento. Nel 2018 Sogefi ha ottenuto ricavi per € 1,6 miliardi.

La società, partner dei principali produttori mondiali di autoveicoli, è presente in 23 paesi con 42 stabilimenti, 4 centri di ricerca e 10 centri di sviluppo. Sogefi, che dà lavoro a circa 6.973 persone, è impegnata nella sostenibilità e nella promozione dei principi di responsabilità sociale in tutta la catena di fornitura.

Sogefi, da sempre pioniera nella ricerca, si impegna costantemente ad ottimizzare l’efficienza, l’efficacia, le dimensioni, il peso e la compatibilità ambientale dei suoi prodotti. Le sue esclusive tecnologie, di piegatura Chevron e Diesel3Tech™+ per la separazione dell’acqua, utilizzate sia nel primo impianto (OE) sia nei filtri aftermarket sono alcune delle migliori innovazioni disponibili sul mercato. La forza dell’azienda nell’innovazione di prodotti, processi e mercati si riflette in una serie di riconoscimenti ottenuti nel corso degli anni.

Nell’Aftermarket indipendente (IAM), Sogefi è uno dei principali fornitori Europei di filtri per veicoli e, con il suo DNA proveniente dall’OE, risponde alle esigenze dei suoi partner offrendo una gamma completa di filtri olio, aria, carburante e abitacolo a copertura di tutti i maggiori produttori europei, americani e asiatici. Un portafoglio di marchi: Tecnocar, Purflux, Fram® e CoopersFiaam con una solida reputazione sul mercato e un’offerta dedicata ai veicoli commerciali con Sogefi Pro. Una forte rete logistica al servizio dei clienti IAM in tutti i paesi europei con la migliore tariffa di servizio della classe.

A questo si aggiunge lo sviluppo dell’innovazione specificamente per l’IAM come la gamma Cabin3Tech+, che combina il meglio della tecnologia per la filtrazione dell’abitacolo per proteggerti!

Sogefi partecipa all’evoluzione digitale del mercato, mostrando la sua mentalità innovativa nella creazione di un canale di comunicazione diretto sia ai clienti professionali che agli utenti finali, con le app del catalogo rilasciate recentemente per tablet e smartphone e il canale YouTube.

Costante presenza sul territorio, attività promozionali, supporto alle vendite, mantenimento del livello di servizio unito al continuo sviluppo della gamma e qualità dei prodotti, fanno di Sogefi un fornitore strategico che si differenzia nel mercato Aftermarket.

Per ulteriori informazioni vi invitiamo a visitare i siti: www.sogefigroup.com e per i marchi Sogefi Aftermarket, www.filtri-tecnocar.com, www.purflux.com, www.fram-europe.com, www.coopersfiaam.com e www.sogefipro.com.

Sogefi, the automotive component company of CIR Group, founded in 1980 and listed on the Milan Stock Exchange in the STAR segment, is a world leader in the automotive components sector, with innovative products in three business areas: filtration, suspension, and air and cooling systems.

The company works in partnership with all major car and commercial vehicle manufacturers. Today’s business footprint spans 23 countries with 42 production plants, 4 research centers and 10 development centers. The group employs approximately 6,973 people worldwide reaching €1.6 billion sales in 2018. Sogefi is committed to sustainability principles and promoting them throughout the supply chain.

With a particularly strong commitment to research, Sogefi continuously strives to optimise the efficiency, effectiveness, size, weight and environmental compatibility of its products. The exclusive Chevron pleating and Diesel3Tech™ + water separation technology used in both original equipment (OE) and aftermarket filters are some of the best in class innovations available in the market. The strength of the company as an innovator in products, processes and markets is reflected in a host of awards achieved over the years.

In the Independent Aftermarket (IAM), Sogefi is one of Europe’s leading vehicle filter suppliers addressing the needs of its partners thanks to its OE-DNA across oil, air, fuel and cabin air filters offering an all makes coverage for all major European, American and Asian carmakers. A strong brand portfolio with a solid market reputation: Tecnocar, Purflux, Fram® and CoopersFiaam and a dedicated offer for commercial vehicles thanks to Sogefi Pro. A strong logistic network serving IAM customers across all European countries with best in class service rate.

And also developing innovation specifically for the IAM as the Cabin3tech+ range, that combines the best in cabin filtration technology for your protection!

Sogefi embraces the IAM market digital evolution, showing its innovative mind-set in creating a direct communication channel to both professional customers and end users, with the recently released catalogue apps for tablets and smartphones and the YouTube channel.

Constant presence in the territory, promotional activities, sales support, maintaining the level of service combined with the continuous development of the range and quality of products, Sogefi brings customised added value as a strategic partner to IAM customers.

For more information please visit: www.sogefigroup.com and for Sogefi Aftermarket´s brands, www.filtri-tecnocar.com, www.purflux.com, www.coopersfiaam.com, www.fram-europe.com and www.sogefipro.com.

Sogefi, the automotive component company of CIR Group, founded in 1980 and listed on the Milan Stock Exchange in the STAR segment, is a world leader in the automotive components sector, with innovative products in three business areas: filtration, suspension, and air and cooling systems.
The company works in partnership with all major car and commercial vehicle manufacturers. Today’s business footprint spans 23 countries with 41 production plants, 4 research centers and 10 development centers. The group employs approximately 6,900 people worldwide reaching €1.7 billion sales in 2017. Sogefi is committed to sustainability principles and promoting them throughout the supply chain.
With a particularly strong commitment to research, Sogefi continuously strives to optimise the efficiency, effectiveness, size, weight and environmental compatibility of its products. The exclusive Chevron pleating and Diesel3Tech™ + water separation technology used in both original equipment (OE) and aftermarket filters are some of the best in class innovations available in the market.
The strength of the company as an innovator in products, processes and markets is reflected in a host of awards achieved over the years.
In the Independent Aftermarket (IAM), Sogefi is one of Europe’s leading vehicle filter suppliers addressing the needs of its partners thanks to its OE-DNA across oil, air, fuel and cabin air filters offering an all makes coverage for all major European, American and Asian carmakers. A strong brand portfolio with a solid market reputation: Tecnocar, Purflux, Fram® and CoopersFiaam and a dedicated offer for commercial vehicles thanks to Sogefi Pro. A strong logistic network serving IAM customers across all European countries with best in class service rate.
Sogefi embraces the IAM market digital evolution, showing its innovative mind-set in creating a direct communication channel to both professional customers and end users, with the recently released catalogue apps for tablets and smartphones and the YouTube channel.
Constant presence in the territory, promotional activities, sales support, maintaining the level of service combined with the continuous development of the range and quality of products, Sogefi brings customised added value as a strategic partner to IAM customers.

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